Festival and Rave Key Information Page

“““Neurotypical””” Festival Information

The following information is in two parts (Neurotypical and Neurodivergent) and was acquired using a surface-level research technique and must be elaborated:

Safe Party Practices

  • General Safety Guidelines:

    • Stay Hydrated: Drink water regularly, but not excessively. Overhydration can be as dangerous as dehydration.

    • Eat Well: Have a balanced meal before using substances to stabilise blood sugar levels.

    • Know Your Limits: Understand and respect your own boundaries with substances.

    • Buddy System: Always look out for friends and have a plan for getting help if needed.

  • Substance-Specific Advice:

    • Alcohol: Consume in moderation, and never mix with other substances.

    • Cannabis: Start with a low dose, especially if unfamiliar with the strain or edibles.

    • Psychedelics: Having a prepared psyche and proper settings are crucial. Be in a safe environment with trusted people.

    • Stimulants: Avoid excessive use, stay hydrated, and ensure regular breaks.

  • Coming Down and Overstimulation:

    • Hydration: Drink water or electrolyte drinks.

    • Comfortable Environment: Find a quiet, comfortable space to rest.

    • Natural Remedies: Herbal teas like chamomile or peppermint can be soothing.

      • [insert drug-specific remedies: sugar → k-hole, black pepper → greening out, etc.)

    • Professional Help: Know when to seek medical assistance if experiencing severe distress.

    • Practicing "grounding techniques" helps calm most over stimulating experiences.

Natural/Holistic Treatments

  • Herbal Remedies:

    • Chamomile Tea: Known for its calming effects and aiding digestion.

    • Peppermint Tea: Useful for soothing stomach issues and headaches.

    • Ginger: Helps with nausea and digestion.

    • Mullein Tea: May help relieve certain respiratory conditions (chronic coughs, colds, asthma (potential side effects include irritation of skin (from directly handling the plant) and irritation of throat (from the plant’s tiny hairs if the tea is not strained thoroughly). [article link]

  • Topical Treatments:

    • Aloe Vera: Soothes skin irritations and burns. 

      • Aloe Vera Leaf (RAW): Top Dog option. A better choice could not have been made. 1 point has been subtracted for its lack of convenience at Festivals and Raves.

      • Aloe Vera Gel (PACKAGED): Quality aloe vera gel should list aloe vera extract as one of the first ingredients (high concentration) and have minimal additives.

    • Lavender Oil: Useful for relaxation and calming anxiety.

    • Arnica: Applied topically for bruising and muscle soreness.

  • Foods and Ingestibles:

    • Honey and Lemon: For soothing sore throats and boosting energy (can be added to mullein tea).

    • Fruits and Vegetables: High in vitamins and hydration, helpful for overall well-being.

      • [specific fruits and vegetables and their “superpower(s)”]

  • Breathing and Relaxation Techniques:

    • Deep Breathing: Helps reduce anxiety and stress.

      • You can make and set a custom vibration pattern to help keep you focused on breathing. For example, the vibration pattern could be: 4-second long hard vibration followed by 3 “staccato” taps, 1 per second. Set this vibration pattern as an alarm so that when it goes off, the long, 4-second vibration will signal you to breathe in through your nose for 4 seconds, hold for 4 seconds, breathe out through your mouth for 4 seconds, and hold for 4 seconds. This is called Box Breathing. It helps with our sense of focus and to ease the mind if you are feeling anxious. The concentration on the counting of the breath helps to redirect and re-centre the mind to the present moment and relax the body. [YouTube video link]

      • *Breathing exercises may present a risk of harm for people with certain medical and/or neurological conditions, including epilepsy, cardiovascular issues, anxiety, and PTSD, or people who are pregnant. Please consult your doctor or medical provider to ensure breathwork is suitable for you.

    • Progressive Muscle Relaxation: Eases tension and promotes relaxation.

Festival Scene Preparation

  • Short-Term Preparation:

    • Packing List:

      • Comfortable Clothing: Layers are key to adapting to weather changes.

      • Festival Clothing: What makes you feel fabulous!

      • Camping Gear: Tent, sleeping bag, camping chair, etc. [insert more]

      • Essentials: Sunscreen, first-aid kit, personal hygiene products, etc. [insert more]

      • Food and Water: Non-perishable snacks, a reusable water bottle, etc. [insert more]

  • Long-Term Preparation:

    • Health and Fitness: Maintain a healthy lifestyle leading up to the festival.

      • [insert exercises and stretches]

    • Planning: Review the festival schedule, map out key locations (for example, first aid and water stations), and plan your activities.

    • Mental Preparation: Practice mindfulness or relaxation techniques to manage festival-related anxiety.

  • Managing Anxiety:

    • Lists: Create checklists for packing, daily activities, and to-dos.

    • Practice Runs: Attend smaller events to build confidence and familiarity.

    • Support Network: Stay in touch with friends or support groups before, during, and after the festival.

Resources and References [internal use only]

  • Erowid: Comprehensive information on substances and their effects.

  • Safety and Harm Reduction Organisations:

    • DanceSafe: Provides information on drug testing and harm reduction.

    • The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA): Offers detailed information on various substances.

  • Community Forums:

    • Reddit’s r/Festivals and r/Drugs: For personal experiences and advice from the community.

Festivaling through a Neurodivergent Lens

The following information can and should be integrated with the previous information so as to not impose segregation:

Safe Party Practices

  • General Safety Guidelines:

    • Predictable Environment: If possible, choose events or parties where the environment can be somewhat controlled or predicted.

      • Example: 

    • Sensory Considerations: Be aware of potential sensory overloads (e.g., loud music, bright lights) and plan accordingly. Consider using noise-cancelling headphones or sunglasses if needed.

    • Routine and Structure: Stick to routines as much as possible. Having a clear schedule or plan can reduce anxiety.

  • Substance-Specific Advice:

    • Alcohol and Stimulants: Neurodivergent individuals may have heightened sensitivity. Start with very small amounts and monitor effects closely. Ensure you have a trusted person to help if needed.

    • Cannabis and Psychedelics: These can have varying effects. If trying, start with low doses and ensure you are in a familiar, safe environment.

  • Managing Overstimulation:

    • Create a Safe Space: Designate a quiet, comfortable space where you can retreat if needed. It could be helpful to bring items such as noise-cancelling headphones, a weighted blanket, one or more comfort items such as a stuffed animal, pillow, and/or “baby” blanket. These, and more, fall under the category of Sensory Modulation Aids.

      • Sensory modulation is the organization of sensory information. Effective sensory modulation is being able to successfully control the degree that one is affected by different sensory inputs and when efficient, it enables the central nervous system to achieve this. Modulating sensory input allows us to interact with the physical and human environment and allows us to adapt to everyday challenges.




Hand cream, warm water, weighted blanket, tight hug, soft blanket

Cold water, fresh air, bare feet on grass (if tolerable)


Herbal tea, chocolate

Sour lollipops, mints, ice cold water, coffee